Covid-19 Club Policies

Following the guidelines of Douglas County, the BOD has developed the following policies for Companion Dog Club.

  • If you or someone in your family is sick or running a fever, please stay home.
  • Social distancing must be practiced at all times. No gathering in groups.
  • Masks are strongly recommended when in the club. For classes, the instructor will determine if masks are mandatory during their class.
  • We will be using both the front and rear entrances and parking lots. Classes held in Ring 3 (South end of building) will use the rear parking lot and entrance (exception for disabilities). Ring 1 will use front parking lot and main entrance. Ring 2 will be left available for TPK and use the main entrance. We will be improving the rear entrances and lighting.
  • A full refund for class will be given to any student that would like to ‘opt out’ of class if they feel uncomfortable taking classes because of Covid 19. They must notify their instructor BEFORE the restart/start of their class. Also, a full refund will be given for all cancelled classes.
  • Ringside tables will have the usual disinfectant and toweling for clean up as well as hand sanitizer and a spray bottle of dilute bleach solution. When relocating gates or equipment, please have the fewest number of people touching it and use hand sanitizer before and after touching articles.
  • When necessary, we will stagger classes by 15 minutes to avoid congestion at entrances to rings and to the building.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

This policy is subject to change as needed.

CDC Board of Directors